Next Master HK 服務條款

您好!非常歡迎您使用由「HONG KONG PRESSPLAY LIMITED」(以下稱「本公司」)透過 Teachable 網路平台所建置之 Next Master HK 線上課程學習網站:以下稱「本網站」),本公司將透過本網站提供各類優質之線上課程予您。


一、   認知與接受條款

  1. 本公司將依據「Next Master HK 服務條款」(以下稱「本條款」)向您提供本網站線上課程銷售服務,因此為了保障您的權利,請您於使用本網站前,詳細閱讀本條款內容。
  2. 若您對於本條款之部分或全部內容有疑慮、或無法確實遵守本條款內容時,請您立即停止使用本網站,亦可透過本網站聯繫資訊與本公司洽詢。
  3. 若您未滿18歲或依您所在之當地法令為未成年人者,請您協同您的法定代理人或監護人閱讀並了解本條款及本網站提供之服務,當您使用或繼續使用本網站服務時,即視為您、您的法定代理人或監護人已閱覽並同意確實遵守本條款之一切規定。


二、   會員註冊及帳號安全

  1. 若您為首次光臨本網站之消費者,請您務必於首次購買前或首次購買當時,按照本網站所定之方式(包括但不限於社群平台登入、電子郵件等)註冊成為本網站會員,於註冊過程中請務必提供您本人正確、最新及完整之個人資料以完成會員註冊程序。
  2. 如您的會員資料相關資訊於完成會員註冊程序後有變更、調整時,請您務必即時使用本網站之功能將您的會員資料進行更新與調整,以保障您的會員權益。
  3. 如經本公司確認您未提供您本人正確、最新及完整之會員資料,或是使用第三人之名義註冊本網站會員時,本公司將以E-mail或本網站系統通知您於期限內更新您的會員資料,若您未於期限內更新資料時,本公司將可能即時暫停或終止您的會員帳號,並拒絕您使用本網站服務之一部或全部。


三、   會員之權利(帳號、登入及個人資料相關事宜)

  1. 本網站會員帳號之權利僅供會員本人使用及享有。當您成為本網站會員後,無論係以何種方式註冊登入,皆不應將您的會員帳號及密碼以任何形式轉讓或出借予第三人,使第三人使用、共用或享有該會員帳號權利。
  2. 如您發現您的會員帳號遭任何第三人非法使用、登入,應立即以書面(包含E-mail等)通知本公司。如因可歸責於您本身的保管疏失,或網路駭客行為而導致帳號、密碼或任何系統錯誤等遭他人非法使用,則本公司不負擔任何責任。
  3. 本公司就因使用本網站所取得任何與您有關之個人資訊,本公司除經您同意、或依 Next Master HK 隱私權政策及 Teachable 網路平台規定、或依本公司、本網站營運之當地法令規定使用外,將不會分享您的個人資料予任何第三人,但您自行於本網站發佈之公開內容或已自行公開或本為大眾所知悉或為行政、司法或其他法律程序上所必要之情況,不在此限。


四、   會員之義務及責任


(1) 公布、張貼、散佈或傳送任何誹謗、侮辱、具威脅性、攻擊性、不雅、猥褻、不實、違反公共秩序或善良風俗或其他不法之文字、圖片或任何形式之程式、檔案及資料(包括但不限於任何含有電腦病毒或任何對電腦軟、硬體產生中斷、破壞或限制功能之程式及資料);

(2) 刊載、傳輸、發送垃圾郵件、連鎖信、違法或未經本公司許可之行銷訊息、廣告等(包括但不限於社群平台分享、推銷訊息等)、或儲存任何侵害他人智慧財產權、侵害他人隱私權或違反法令之資料(包括但不限於任何虛假、錯誤、誤導第三人之虞之資料等);

(3) 侵害或毀損本公司、本網站或他人名譽、隱私權、營業秘密、商標權、著作權、專利權、智慧財產權及其他權利;

(4) 於本網站從事任何違反法令(包括但不限於您所屬國家、地域之法令、香港法令或中華民國法令等)規定之行為(包括但不限於冒用他人名義使用本網站等);

(5) 從事未經本公司或本網站事前授權的商業或非商業行為(包括但不限於任意下載、側錄或以其他任何方式竊取本網站提供之內容進行商業或非商業行為等);

(6) 其他經本公司有正當理由認為有不適當之行為。


五、   智慧財產權約定

  1. 本公司於本網站所發佈、呈現之一切內容(包括但不限於著作、圖片、商標、檔案、資訊、資料、網站架構、網站畫面的安排、網頁設計、課程內容、課程頁面等,以下稱「本網站內容」),均由本公司或其他權利人依法擁有其智慧財產權(包括但不限於商標權、專利權、著作權、商業秘密等)。您或任何使用本網站之第三人皆不得以任何修改、重製、公開播送、改作、散布、發行、公開發表、進行還原工程、解編或反向組譯等未經本公司書面同意之方式利用本網站內容之一部或全部。
  2. 若您有違反前項約定而涉及侵害本公司、本網站或其他權利人權利之情事時,本公司除得立即暫停或終止您的會員帳號,並拒絕您使用本網站服務之一部或全部外,您亦須賠償本公司及本網站因此所受損害暨所失利益,並應向本公司支付新台幣參佰萬元之懲罰性違約金。
  3. 當您於本網站發表內容(包括但不限於文字、圖片等,以下稱「會員內容」)時,即表示其已同意授權或已取得所有權人之同意授權本公司及Teachable網路平台得基於宣傳、推廣本公司、本網站、Teachable網路平台、本網站課程之目的範圍內,無償於全球地區以任何方式(包括但不限於修改、重製、公開播送、改作、散布、發行、公開發表、公開傳輸、公開上映、翻譯等)使用該等會員內容,並得在此範圍內將前述權利轉授權他人,且不致侵害任何第三人之智慧財產權,否則應對本公司、本公司轉授權之人及Teachable網路平台負損害賠償責任。


六、   本網站課程內容之提供及使用

  1. 本網站所銷售之課程,無論您是選擇以任何方式(包括但不限於信用卡、PayPal等)購買本網站課程,您皆得於完成所有付款動作後,依您所購買之課程方案設定期間內閱讀、觀看您所購買之本網站課程內容。
  2. 退費政策:

(1) 若您所購買之本網站課程與預期不符時,您得自付款完成之日起算7日(含)內向本公司提出退費申請,則本公司將於確認您之退費申請係遵守本項退費政策後,本公司即退還您購買課程費用之100%。

(2) 有關退費申請權利,您對於本網站同一課程之單一付費方案僅得向本公司提出至多1次之申請。如您對於本網站同一課程之單一付費方案提出超出1次之退費申請時,本公司保留對您的退費申請的最終決定權。

(3) 若您依照第前二款約定向本公司提出退費申請,則本公司將依Teachable網路平台之退費處理程序進行,退費時程將依照Teachable網路平台所制定之時程為主,如因相關退款程序有手續費需求時(包括但不限於匯款手續費等),本公司或Teachable網路平台將可能會預先自退費款項中扣除,請您知悉。


七、   本網站服務之暫停或中止

  1. 本網站是由Teachable網路平台負責維運,本公司將以目前一般認為合理期待安全性之方式及技術,維護本網站服務之正常運作。但於下述情況,本公司或Teachable網路平台有權將暫停或中斷本網站之全部或一部份服務,且不負事先通知您的義務,因而對您於使用本網站時造成任何直接或間接之損害,均不負任何賠償或補償之責任:

(1) 對與本網站相關之軟硬體設備進行搬遷、更換、升級、保養或維修時;

(2) 天災或其他不可抗力之因素所導致之本網站停止或中斷;

(3) 因電信或網站公司服務中斷或其他不可歸責於本公司之事由所致之本網站停止或中斷;

(4) 非本公司或Teachable網路平台所得控制之事由而致本網站資訊顯示不正確、或遭偽造、竄改、刪除或擷取、或致系統中斷或不能正常運作時;

(5) 會員有任何違反當地政府法令或本條款之情形而對該會員暫停或終止服務;

(6) 其他經本公司認為有需要暫停或終止本網站之情形。


八、   協力廠商、第三方內容、網站之相關規範

  1. 本網站可能含有來自協力廠商及第三方的內容、資料、資訊、廣告、產品、其它任何文件資訊或應用程式等或至其他第三方網站之鍵結(以下合稱「第三方內容」),您於使用本網站時,即表示您瞭解並同意本公司或本網站不負責檢查或評估第三方內容(包括但不限於準確性、完整性、即時性、有效性、合法性、適當性、品質或任何其他方面等)且不對該第三方內容之管理人員、關係企業等作任何保證或認可,亦不負擔任何責任。
  2. 如您因使用或利用第三方內容之行為致已侵犯第三方之權利或違反第三方之規定,而致該第三方受有損害或有任何爭議事項時,本公司將不在任何方面對您前述之行為承擔任何直接或間接責任。


九、     責任之限制與排除

  1. 您了解並同意,您於使用本網站所提供之各類課程內容、各項功能時,均應自行承擔相關可能發生之風險,且您明確知悉本網站之網頁、伺服器、網域等所提供之各項功能,均以 Teachable網路平台當時所提供予本網站使用之功能提供使用,本公司對於其效能、速度、完整性、可靠性、安全性、正確性等,皆不負擔任何明示或默示之擔保責任。
  2. 本公司並不保證本網站之網頁、伺服器、網域等所傳送的電子郵件或其內容不會含有電腦病毒等有損您電子裝置之內容,亦不保證電子郵件、檔案或資料之傳輸儲存均正確無誤不會斷線和出錯等,如因非可歸責於本公司之事由致各該電子郵件、檔案或資料傳送或儲存失敗、遺失或錯誤等所致之損害,本公司不負賠償責任。
  3. 對於您透過本網站刊登或發布虛假、違法資訊、侵害他人權益及欺騙、敲詐行為者,純屬個人行為,本公司對因此而產生的糾紛不負任何責任。


十、     違反本條款之效果

  1. 如您違反本條款之任一規定時,則本公司或本公司授權之人有權限期要求您進行改正,但如您未於限期內改正完成或經本公司認定情節重大者,本公司有權直接依本條款、中華民國法令、Teachable網路平台政策採取一切必要之行動(包括但不限於修改或直接刪除您於本網站張貼/傳送之內容、終止、刪除、暫停您的會員權利、或禁止您使用本網站之一部或全部功能等)。
  2. 如您因違反本條款之任一規定而造成本公司或任何其他第三人受有損害時,您應自行負擔因此所生之全部法律責任,並應對本公司因此所生之所有損失、損害、及商譽減損負擔損害賠償之責。



  1. 本條款構成您與本公司間之全部協議,及規範您於使用本網站期間之所有行為。
  2. 除本條款外,本公司於本網站所公告之內容、條款、政策、規則或說明(包括但不限於本網站課程之付費方案說明、Next Master HK隱私權政策 等,以下合稱「本網站公告條款」)及Teachable網路平台之規則,均構成本條款之一部份,您皆應遵守。惟如本網站公告條款與Teachable網路平台之規則內容有衝突時,應優先適用本網站公告條款之約定內容。
  3. 本條款及本網站公告條款如有任何其他語言譯本只為當地需要而設,如繁體中文版本與任何非繁體中文版本有任何不一致之處,本條款及本網站公告條款應皆以繁體中文版本內容為準。
  4. 本公司未行使或執行本條款或本網站公告條款之任何權利或規定,不構成對前述權利之放棄。
  5. 本條款及本網站公告條款,悉依香港法律解釋及適用之。如因本條款、本網站公告條款或因其他與本網站相關之事項發生爭議時,應先本誠信原則解決之,如有訴訟之必要時,則以香港特別行政區法院為專屬管轄法院。 



  1. 本公司有權在不經通知下任意地修改或終止本條款、本網站公告條款,並於本網站公開最新修改後之版本,請您務必詳閱。
  2. 本公司對於任何於本網站上所發布/公告之內容,不負保存義務,您應自行備份,本公司不因任何發布/公告內容之刪除、移除而對您或任何第三人因此所遭受之損失、損害負擔賠償責任。
  3. 如您於本條款及本網站公告條款公告及生效後,仍持續使用本網站時,即表示您同意本公司以本條款及本網站公告條款之約定向您提供本網站服務。



聯繫時間:週一至週五 10:30 – 18:30(香港假日及香港公眾假期除外)

聯繫信箱:[email protected]


本條款公告及生效日期為:西元 2022 年08月12日。

Next Master HK Terms of Service

Hello! Welcome to use the Next Master HK online course learning website: (hereinafter the “Website”) established through the Teachable online platform by “HONG KONG PRESSPLAY LIMITED” (hereinafter the “Company”). The Company will provide you with a variety of high-quality online courses through the Website.


1. Acknowledgement and Acceptance of the Terms

(1) The Company will provide you with online course sales services on the Website in accordance with the “Next Master HK Terms of Service” (hereinafter the “Terms”). Therefore, for the purpose of protecting your rights, please read the Terms carefully before using the Website.

(2) If you have any doubts about all or part of the Terms, or if you are not able to abide by the Terms, please stop using the Website immediately, and you may reach the Company through the contact information on the Website.

(3) If you are under the age of 18 or are a minor according to the laws and regulations of your country or region, please make sure you and your statutory agent or guardian read and understand the Terms and the services provided by the Website. When you use or continue to use the services on the Website, it is deemed that you and your statutory agent or guardian have read and agreed to abide by all the provisions of the Terms.


2. Membership Registration and Account Security

(1) If you are a consumer who visits the Website for the first time, please be sure to register as a member of the Website in accordance with the method specified on the Website (including but not limited to social platform log-in or e-mail) before or at the time of your first purchase. During the registration process, please be sure to provide your correct, up-to-date, and complete personal information to complete the membership registration process.

(2) If there is any change or adjustment to your member information after the completion of the membership registration process, for the purpose of protecting your membership rights and interests, please be sure to update and adjust your member information promptly by using the functions of the Website.

(3) If the Company confirms that you have not provided your correct, up-to-date, and complete member information, or that you have used the name of a third party to register as a member of the Website, the Company will notify you by e-mail or the system of the Website to update your member information within a time limit. If you do not update the information within the time limit, the Company may immediately suspend or terminate your membership account and refuse your use of all or part or of the services of the Website.


3.  Rights of Membership (Account, Log-in, and Personal Information)

(1) The member himself shall be the only person who uses and enjoys the rights of the membership account of the Website. After you become the member of the Website, regardless of the registration or log-in method adopted, you shall not transfer or lend the number and password of your membership account to any third parties in any form for such third parties to use, share, or enjoy the rights of the membership account.

(2) If you are aware that your membership account is being illegally used or logged in by any third parties, you shall immediately notify the Company in writing (including e-mail, etc.). If your account number or password is illegally used by any third parties due to any system errors, any reasons attributable to you, or any cyber hacking, the Company shall not assume any liabilities.

(3) The Company will not share your personal information obtained by the Company during your use of the Website with any third party, unless (i) otherwise agreed by you, (ii) allowed by the Next Master HK Privacy Policy, the terms and conditions of the Teachable online platform, or the local laws and regulations applicable to the Company and the operation of the Website, (iii) it is public content which you have published by yourself on the Website or disclosed by yourself or which is known to the public, or (iv) it is necessary for any administrative, judicial, or other legal procedural purpose.


4.  Obligations and Liabilities of Member

You represent and warrant that you shall not engage in any activities that infringe upon the rights and interests of others or violate any laws through the Website or use the Website for any illegal purposes or in any illegal manners, and you represent and warrant that you shall abide by the laws and regulations of your country or region and all established international practice regarding the use of the Internet, including but not limited to:

i)publishing, posting, distributing, or transmitting any defamatory, insulting, threatening, offensive, indecent, obscene, or false text, pictures, or any form of programs, files, and information (including but not limited to any programs and materials containing computer viruses or any functions that may cause interruption, disruption, or restriction of computer software and hardware) and any text, pictures, or any form of programs, files, and information that is in violation of public order, good customs, or laws or regulations;

ii)publishing, transmitting, sending spam or chain letters, marketing messages or advertisements (including but not limited to social platform sharing and promotional messages) that are illegal or not authorized by the Company or storing information that infringes upon others’ intellectual property rights or privacy rights or violates any laws and regulations (including but not limited to any false, wrong, or misleading information);

iii)infringing or damaging the reputation, privacy rights, trade secrets, trademark rights, copyrights, patent rights, intellectual property rights, and other rights of the Company, the Website, or any third parties;

iv)engaging in any activities (including but not limited to using the Website in the name of others) on the Website that violate any laws and regulations (including but not limited to the laws and regulations of your country or region, Hong Kong, or the Republic of China);

v)engaging in any commercial or non-commercial activities (including but not limited to downloading, recording, or stealing by any methods the content provided by the Website for commercial or non-commercial activities) without prior authorization from the Company or the Website;

vi)other acts that the Company deems inappropriate with justifiable reason.


5.  Intellectual Property Rights

(1) All intellectual property rights (including but not limited to trademark rights, patent rights, copyrights, and trade secrets) in and to the content published and presented by the Company on the Website (including but not limited to works, pictures, trademarks, files, information, materials, website structure, website interface arrangement, webpage design, course content, and course pages, hereinafter the “Website Content”) shall be vested in the Company or other rights owners. Neither you nor any third parties using the Website may modify, reproduce, publicly broadcast, adapt, distribute, release, publish, proceed restore engineering, decompile, reverse assemble, or otherwise use by any means all or part of the Website Content without the written consent of the Company.

(2)  If you breach the preceding paragraph and involve in infringing on the rights of the Company, the Website, or other rights owners, the Company may immediately suspend or terminate your membership account and refuse you to use all or part of the services of the Website, in addition, you shall indemnify and hold harmless the Company and the Website against any damages and lost profits resulting therefrom and pay NT$3,000,000 to the Company as punitive damages.

(3) When you publish any content (including but not limited to text and pictures, hereinafter the “Member Content”) on the Website, it shall mean that you have agreed to authorize or have obtained the consent of the rights owners to authorize the Company and the Teachable online platform to use such Member Content in any form (including but not limited to modification, reproduction, public broadcast, adaptation, distribution, release, publication, public transmission, public release, and translation) within the worldwide scope for the purposes of publicizing and promoting the Company, the Website, the Teachable online platform, and the courses on the Website, free of charge. In addition, within the afore-mentioned scope, the Company and the Teachable online platform may sublicense the above rights to any third parties. You shall warrant and represent that such sublicence does not infringe upon any intellectual property rights of any third parties, otherwise, you shall indemnify and hold harmless the Company, the sublicensee, and the Teachable online platform against any damages and losses.


6. Provision and Use of Course Content of the Website

(1) Regardless of the approach with respect to your purchase of the course on the Website (including but not limited to credit card and PayPal), you may read and watch the course content you have purchased on the Website within the period according to the course plan you have purchased after completing all payment actions.

(2) Refund Policy:

i) If you apply for a refund to the Company within 7 days from the date your payment is completed, the Company will refund 100% of the fee you have paid for the purchased course.

ii) Regarding the right to apply for a refund, you can only apply to the Company once for the single payment plan concerning any courses on the Website. If you make more than one refund application for the single payment plan concerning the same course on the Website, the Company reserves the right to decide on your refund application.

iii) If you submit a refund application to the Company in accordance with Subparagraph i or Subparagraph ii of this Paragraph, the Company will follow the refund processing procedures of the Teachable online platform, and the refund schedule will be subject to the schedule established by the Teachable online platform. If there is any handling fee (including but not limited to remittance handling fee) occurred due to relevant refund procedure, the Company or the Teachable online platform may deduct it from the refund amount. Please be fully aware of it.


7.  The Suspension of Services of Website

(1) The Website is maintained and operated by the Teachable online platform. The Company will maintain the normal operation of the services of the Website by security means and technologies that are generally considered to be reasonably expected. Notwithstanding the foregoing, under the following circumstances, the Company or the Teachable online platform has the right to suspend or interrupt all or part of the services of the Website without any prior notice, and the Company shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damages resulting therefrom during your use of the Website:

i)when relocating, replacing, upgrading, maintaining, or repairing software and hardware equipment relating to the Website;

ii)when the Website is ceased or interrupted due to natural disasters or other force majeure factors;

iii)when the Website is ceased or interrupted due to service interruption of telecommunication or website services providers or other reasons not attributable to the Company;

iv) when the information on the Website is displayed incorrectly, or is being forged, tampered, deleted, or retrieved or when the system is interrupted or not able to operate normally due to reasons beyond the control of the Company or the Teachable online platform;

v)when the member violates or breaches any local laws and regulations or the Terms, thus, suspension or termination of the service is made to such member ;

vi)other circumstances that the Company deems necessary to suspend or terminate the Website.

(2) When the Company is aware of any scheduled software or hardware maintenance plan that may cause suspension or termination of the Website, the Company shall use its best endeavor to make announcement or notification in an appropriate manner before such suspension or termination occurs.


8.  Cooperating Partner, Third-Party Content, and Websites

(1) The Website may contain contents, materials, information, advertisements, products, any other information, or applications from any cooperating partners and third parties or links leading to any third-party websites (hereinafter collectively the “Third-party Content”). When you use the Website, it shall mean that you understand and agree that the Company and the Website are not responsible for checking or evaluating the Third-party Content (including but not limited to accuracy, integrity, timeliness, validity, legitimacy, appropriateness, quality, or any other aspects), and the Company and the Website make no representations or warranties concerning the management personnel or affiliated companies of the Third-party Content and assume no responsibility.

(2) If you infringe upon any rights of any third parties or violate any rules of any third parties due to your use or utilization of the Third-party Content, the Company shall not assume any direct or indirect liabilities in any aspects concerning your afore-mentioned acts.


9. Limitation of Liabilities

(1) You understand and agree that, when you use the various course content and functions provided by the Website, you shall bear relevant risks, in addition, you are clearly aware that the functions provided by the webpages, servers, domains, or otherwise of the Website are provided as those provided by the Teachable network platform to the Website at that time. The Company makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, concerning its performance, speed, integrity, reliability, security, accuracy, etc.

(2) The Company makes no representations or warranties that the e-mails or their content transmitted by the webpages, servers, domains, or otherwise of the Website contain no computer viruses and other content that may damage your electronic device. The Company neither represents nor warrants that the transmission and storage of the e-mails, files, or data are correct without any disconnection and errors. The Company shall not be liable for any losses or damages resulting from any failure, loss, or error in the transmission or storage of the emails, files, or data that is not attributable to the Company.

(3) If you publish any false or illegal information or infringe on any rights and interests of any others, deceive, or extort any third parties through the Website, you shall take full and sole responsibility, and the Company is not responsible for any disputes arising therefrom.


10.  Breach of the Terms

(1) If you breach any provision of the Terms, the Company or the personnel authorized by the Company has the right to request you to cure such breach within the time limit. If you fail to cure such breach within the time limit or if the Company determines that the breach is material, the Company has the right to take all necessary actions (including but not limited to modifying or directly deleting the content you posted/transmitted on the Website, terminating, deleting, or suspending your membership rights, or prohibiting you from using all or part of the functions of the Website) in accordance with the Terms, the laws and regulations of the Republic of China, and the policies of the Teachable online platform.

(2) If there is any damage suffered or incurred by the Company or any other third parties due to your breach of any provision of the Terms, you shall assume all the legal responsibilities arising therefrom and indemnify and hold harmless the Company against any losses, damages, and loss of goodwill.


11. Validity of the Terms, Governing Law, and Competent Court

(1) The Terms shall constitute the entire agreement between you and the Company and govern all your conduct during your use of the Website.

(2) In addition to the Terms, the content, terms and conditions, policies, rules, or instructions announced by the Company on the Website (including but not limited to the explanation of the payment plan for courses on the Website and the Next Master HK Privacy Policy, collectively, the “Announcement Terms”) and the rules of the Teachable online platform shall form an integral part of the Terms by which you shall abide. Nevertheless, if there is any conflict between the Announcement Terms and the rules of the Teachable online platform, the Announcement Terms shall prevail.

(3) If there is any other language translation of the Terms and the Announcement Terms, it is only for local needs. If there is any inconsistency between the traditional Chinese version and any non-traditional Chinese version of the Terms and the Announcement Terms, the traditional Chinese version shall prevail.

(4) No failure by the Company in exercising or executing any right under the Terms or the Announcement Terms shall operate as a waiver of any such right of the Company.

(5) The Terms and the Announcement Terms shall be interpreted and construed by the laws of Hong Kong. In the event of any dispute arising from the Terms, the Announcement Terms, or other matters related to the Website, the dispute shall be resolved with the principle of good faith first. If there is any necessary for a legal action, the courts of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall have the exclusive jurisdiction over such action.


12.  Effectiveness and Amendment of the Terms.

(1) The Company has the right to modify or terminate the Terms and the Announcement Terms at its sole discretion without any notice and publish the updated and revised version on the Website. Please be sure to read it carefully.

(2) The Company is not obliged to save any content published/announced on the Website. You shall back up such content by yourself. The Company shall not be liable for any losses and damages suffered and incurred by you or any third parties arising from the deletion or removal of the published/announced content.

(3) If you continue to use the Website after the Terms and the Announcement Terms are announced and come into effect, it shall mean that you agree that the Company provides you with the services of the Website in accordance with the Terms and the Announcement Terms.


13. Website Contact Information

Contact Hours: Monday to Friday, 10:30 – 18:30 (except Hong Kong holidays and Hong Kong public holidays)

Contact E-mail Address: [email protected]


Made and Effective as of: 08 , 12 , 2022.